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Therapy Areas

Therapy Areas

Our company focuses on the research and development of new drugs in the therapeutic areas of oncology, anti-infectives, CNS diseases, metabolic diseases and autoimmune diseases. It has established a comprehensive innovative R&D platform and is currently conducting 50+ clinical trials of innovative drugs from 30+ innovative drug projects in various clinical stages.

  • Anti-tumor
    We focus on the develoment of new drugs in the field of common and hostile cancers.Our innovative medicine programs in clinical trials include HS-20106 injection, HS-20105 injection, HS-20117 injection, HS-10516 capsules, HS-10382 tablets, HS-10370 tablets, HS-10502 tablets, HS-10365 capsules, HS-20089 injection, HS-20093 injection, HS-20124 injection, HS-10352 tablets, HS-10241 tablets, HS-10504 tablets, etc.Our product portfolio mainly includes the innovative drug Ameile (aumolertinib mesylate tablets), the innovative drug Hansoh Xinfu (flumatinib mesylate tablets), Pulaile (pemetrexed disodium for injection), Xintai (bortezomib for injection) ,Xinwei (imatinib mesylate tablets) and Tanneng (fosaprepitant dimeglumine for injection).
  • Anti-infectives
    We focus on the development of new drugs in the fields of antiviral, anti-complex bacterial infection and anti-fungal infection. Our innovative medicine programs in clinical trials include Citric Acid Erythorbate tablets, etc.Our product portfolio mainly includes the innovative drug Hengmu (tenofovir amibufenamide tablets), the innovative drug Mailingda (morinidazole sodium chloride injection), Zetan (tigecycline for injection) and Hengsen (micafungin sodium for injection).
  • CNS Diseases
    We focus on the development of new drugs in the fields of psychiatric and neurological disorders.Our innovative medicine programs in clinical trials include HS-10380 tablets, HS-10506 tablets, HS-10353 capsules, HS-10509 tablets, etc. Our product portfolio mainly includes the innovative drug Xinyue (inebilizumab injections, anti-CD19 mAb), Oulanning (olanzapine oral dose formulations), Ailanning (paliperidone extended-release tablets) and Ameining (agomelatine tablets).
  • Metabolic and others
    We focus on the development of new drugs in the field of metabolic diseases such as diabetes and obesity. Our innovative medicine programs in clinical trials include HS-10511 tablets, HS-20094 injection, HS-10384 tablets, HS-10518 capsules, HS-10390 tablets, HS-10501 tablets, and HS-10398 capsules, etc.Our product portfolio mainly includes the innovative drug Fulaimei (PEG-loxenatide for injection), Fulaidi (repaglinide tablets) and Fulairui (canagliflozin tablets).
  • Autoimmune Diseases
    We focus on the development of new drugs in the field of autoimmune diseases. Our innovative medicine programs in clinical trials includeHS-10374 tablets etc.
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