
Hengte Pharmacy
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Hengte Pharmacy

Hengte Pharmacy — Guaranteed Quality, Guaranteed Health
Hengte Pharmacy

Hengte Pharmacy, for the retail market of Jiangsu Hansoh Pharma, was officially established in December 2020. The Pharmacy offers a full range of medical products, including 500+ kinds of medicines.

Hengte Pharmacy continues to improve its health management standards to provide the public with safe, high quality, and efficient pharmacy services.

With the goal of creating a quality goods demonstration store in Lianyungang Free Trade Zone, Hengte Pharmacy adopts dual online and offline operations. The offline store provides discounted drug purchases and health services for more than 1,000 young talents residing in the Youth Apartments. 

Hansoh Official Flagship Store
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JD, Hansoh flagship store
Tmall, Hansoh Pharma flagship store
PDD, Hansoh flagship store
Hengte Health Public

Driven by new technology and market demand, crossover collaboration has become a new driving force for the development of the healthcare industry. Hengte Pharmacy marks a new milestone in the Company's drug retailing business, and the Pharmacy will make unremitting efforts to bring the Company's sales to a new level.

Address: 1103, Building 2, Ruiyuan Youth Apartment, Lianyungang Economic and Technological Development Zone
Working hours:
13:00 - 20:00 (Monday - Friday)
10:00 - 18:00 (Saturday and Sunday)
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