
Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility

As a leading innovation-driven pharmaceutical company in China, Jiangsu Hansoh Pharma always adheres to the core values of responsibility, integrity, diligence, and innovation, serving human health with scientific and technological innovation, and assuming corporate social responsibility with accountable behavior in conducting business.

【Responsible Governance】 Integrity Operation

Guided by the values of "responsibility, integrity, diligence, and innovation", Jiangsu Hansoh Pharma continuously improves its organizational governance, integrates Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) into top-level planning and design, strengthens the establishment of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), and continuously promotes corporate development and innovation.

Jiangsu Hansoh Pharma regards corporate governance, corporate behavior, product safety and quality, inclusive healthcare, human resource development, environmental protection, and community progress as its priority and the basis of its corporate operations and management, and is committed to continuously improving drug accessibility and meeting critical clinical needs, so as to benefit patients with high-quality and accessible products, and create value for the sustainable development of society.

【Green Development】 Harmonious Symbiosis

Jiangsu Hansoh Pharma is well aware that in addition to continuous business development, it also shoulders the social responsibility and mission of protecting the ecological environment. We actively respond to the national call, persist green development concept and adhere to the sustainable development path. We are devoted to building a green manufacturing system with safety, efficiency, low carbon and environmental protection, energy conservation and consumption reduction.

We introduced the authoritative environmental and energy management system, attach importance to the protection of biodiversity, carry out greenhouse gas verification, and work together with upstream and downstream of the supply chain to promote the production and operation concept of energy conservation, environmental protection and high efficiency.

【Public Charity】 Empowering Society

Adhering to its innovation-driven development strategy, Jiangsu Hansoh Pharma builds up cutting-edge technological strengths and leading innovation and research capabilities, establishes a pipeline of innovative products with clear clinical and technological advantages, and provides high-quality products to patients through a quality management system covering the whole life cycle of products and responsible marketing. 

Pursuing the development concept of "mutual growth, mutual creativity, mutual duty, mutual sharing", we always adhere to the people-oriented philosophy, protect the legitimate rights and interests of employees, attach importance to the diversified development of talents, and create an equal and inclusive working environment for employees. 

We also make unremitting efforts to strengthen our corporate social responsibility, engage in charity activities, and contribute to society in terms of health protection and access to healthcare. Bearing in mind our original mission, we will empower communities by supporting healthcare and education, and further promote the sustainable development of medical and health services at home and abroad.

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